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Matt Ison coaching is a transformative process where athletes commit to breakthrough change. Triathlon, Ultra-Running, Cycling and sport-specific training for the most discerning athletes.

“I was a mid-packer at best when I was lucky enough to be assigned to Matt after my second CTS coach in two years left CTS three weeks before my ‘A’ race. Matt is far and away the best coach that I have ever met. He is smart, caring, enthusiastic, motivating and of course an incredibly talented athlete. The fact that I have since qualified for the 70.3 World Championships, WON a triathlon and podiumed at almost all my other races is pretty darn cool but I think what I am most impressed with, is how Matt is able to individualize his training programs and make them work for people that have a life.”

BROOKE SMITH, Sprint, Olympic, and Half Distance Triathlete, 70.3 World Championship Qualifier